Dutch Boys: Waggons

Figure 1.--Here we have a an image from a Dutch reader. He tells from left to right we see, "The goats, Dicky Kaarsypestein, my brother Lothar, and me in Holland a few years before World War II. Note the English-style school caps. We might have called this a goat cart, but notice the four wheels meaning that it was a waggon. A goat cart in the Netherlands is generally called a "bokkewagen". Another word for cart is "kar" or "karretje". Wagon usually is "wagen". A goat is a "geit" (pronouce gite), but children's goat carts always are called "bokkewagen", even if the geits are female (a "bok" is a male goat). Note that the Dutch go with wagon rather than cart which is often used for goat carts even when the convehance has four wheels.

Here we have a an image from a Dutch reader (figure 1). He tells from left to right we see, "The goats, Dicky Kaarsypestein, my brother Lothar, and me in Holland a few years before World War II. Note the English-style school caps. We might have called this a goat cart, but notice the four wheels meaning that it was a waggon. A goat cart in the Netherlands is generally called a "bokkewagen". Another word for cart is "kar" or "karretje". Wagon usually is "wagen". A goat is a "geit" (pronouce gite), but children's goat carts always are called "bokkewagen", even if the geits are female (a "bok" is a male goat). Note that the Dutch go with wagon rather than cart which is often used for goat carts even when the convehance has four wheels.


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Created: 1:09 PM 7/9/2008
Last updated: 1:09 PM 7/9/2008