*** J.W. Stock Stock chilfren

J.W. Stock: Portraits--Stock Children (1845)

Stock children
Figure 1.-- The children in his portrait are probabkly J.W. Stock's younger brother, Isaac C. Stock, and sister-in-law, Sarah Hunt Stock, of Springfield, Massachusetts where his studio was located. This is a large painting. He pain the pair at full length. He skimoped on the background, employing some kind of curtain to simplify the painting. All we get to see in the way of furnisings is two pieces of furniture and the carpet which is for some reason painted in full detail. Carpets were important in afflunt homes at the time. We do not have the ages of the children, but given the skirtb length, Sarah is probbly younger than suggested by her depiction, perhaps 5 years old or so. Issacc may be about 8-9 years old. Sarah wears a blue-green dress with a low neckline and plain white pantalettes. Her ringlet curls were popular at the time. It is difficult to make out much about Issac's dark blue outfit. He has a proiment ruff. He wa wearing a jacket, but the buttons are hard to see. Thy are dine in same ciolor as the jacket. . His long pants arr loosely cut and grey. Both children wear white socks. They may have been painted about 1845. Issac is shown with a book. Girls were rarely depicted this way.

The children in his portrait are probabkly J.W. Stock's younger brother, Isaac C. Stock, and sister-in-law, Sarah Hunt Stock, of Springfield, Massachusetts where his studio was located. This is a large painting. He pain the pair at full length. He skimoped on the background, employing some kind of curtain to simplify the painting. All we get to see in the way of furnisings is two pieces of furniture and the carpet which is for some reason painted in full detail. Carpets were important in afflunt homes at the time. This was both for decorative purposes, but also reflects the lack of central heating. We do not have the ages of the children, but given the skirt length, Sarah is probbly younger than suggested by her depiction, perhaps 5 years old or so. Issacc may be about 8-9 years old. Sarah wears a blue-green dress with a low neckline, short sleeves, and plain white pantalettes. Her ringlet curls were a popular style at the time. It is difficult to make out much about Issac's dark blue outfit. He has a proiment ruff. He wa wearing a jacket, but the buttons are hard to see. Thy are dine in same color as the jacket. The long pants are loosely cut and grey. His hair style looks very modern. Both children wear white socks. They may have been painted about 1845. Issac is shown with a book. Girls were rarely depicted this way.


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Created: 10:16 AM 3/2/2024
Last updated: 10:17 AM 3/2/2024