Biographies: Mayo Cleveland (United States, 1915?- )

Figure 1.--Mayo Cleveland at age of 8 had already been licensed a preacher and he delivered his first sermon, prepared entirely by himself, lasting twenty five minutes, before a large audience in the Baptist Church, Kingston, Pennsylvania. The image is undated, but looks to have been taken in the mid-1920s.

Mayo Cleveland at age of 8 had already been licensed a preacher and he delivered his first sermon, prepared entirely by himself, lasting twenty five minutes, before a large audience in the Baptist Church, Kingston, Pennsylvania. The repuredly youngest preacher in the world was the son of Rev. and Mrs. W.G.Cleveland of Greenville, Texas. When preaching he wore a knicker suit--standard boys' wear in the United states during the 1920s.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: September 5, 2002
Last updated: September 5, 2002