Canadian New Brunswick Family (about 1900)

Figure 1.--Here is an example of the low-quality images produced in the tin-type process. Unlike studio care-de-viste and cabinent cards, they can not be enlarged with any quality. Note the very basic back drop, a sure indicator that this was made by an itinerate photographer with very basic facilities. The image was probably take somewhere in New Brunswick, Canada, probably around 1900. Image courtesy og the CO collection.

This is a wonderful image of a Canadian family at the turn of the 20th century, although it is a tintype and thus not very clear. There is no accompanying information with the image. There are three adults, presumably mother and father. We are unsure who the third woman is, probably an aunt. The adults are all dressed up. I am not sure what the family social status might be. The father looks like he mat have been an immigrant. The smart outfits for the boys suggest that they are well integrated into Canadian society. They are with two children, boys in indebntical white sailor suits with blouced knickers. They wear big tan-like sailor headwear which probably had tassles. They wear black long stockings with their white sailor suits. I'm unsure how old the boys are. I would guess about 5 and 8 years old. The boys almost surely are brothers. The family looks to be on some kind of outing.


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Created: 12:22 AM 8/31/2004
Last updated: 12:22 AM 8/31/2004