Canadian Berets: Chronology

Figure 1.--This tin-type portrait is unidentified. it was being sold by a dealer in Quebec, which suggests the subject is a French Canadian boy from Quebec. It is not very clear, but it does look like a boy wearing a beret. He wears a knee pants suit with an Eton collar. We are not sure how to date it, but we would guess the 1880s.

We are not yet sure what the chronology of berets Canada. Our Canadian archive is still limited, but we have begun to develop some limited information. We do not know when the beret first appeared in Canada. Canada was essentially cut off from France by the French and Indian War (1754-63) which resulted in British control of Canada. We do not yet have many 19th century images. We have found one 19th century tintype from Quebec (figure 1). It is not very clear, but it does look like a boy wearing a beret. He wears a knee pants suit with an Eton collar. We are not sure how to date it, but we would guess the 1880s. We see more examples in the 20th century, but this may be bacause we have more 20th century images. Berets seem most common in the inter-war era. We have noted Canadian boys wearing boys during the 1930s-40s and even the early 50s. We see very few examples by the 1960s. We think the beret had essentially disappeared for boys by the 1970s.


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Created: 12:54 AM 2/18/2011
Last updated: 12:54 AM 2/18/2011