Canadian Boys' Clothes: Indian Sweaters--White Buffalo

Figure 1.-- White Buffalo yarn (pure wool, not buffalo) was especilly popular yarn for making Indian sweaters. White Buffalo was a company that made unspun bulky wool. In the late 1960's through to about 1980, these sweaters became very popular.

White Buffalo yarn (pure wool, not buffalo) was especilly popular yarn for making Indian sweaters. White Buffalo was a company that made unspun bulky wool. In the late 1960's through to about 1980, these sweaters became very popular, and Mary Maxim sweaters seemed to decline a bit. These sweaters more closely imitate the style of the genuine Cowichan Indian sweaters. These sweaters are very nice, but prone to shrinking, so they have to be washed carefully in cold water and air dried. Younger brothers often found themselves put into a "new" hand me down sweater that no longer fit their bigger sibling. Then mom or granny had to get to work and make big brother a truly new sweater. Sweaters were often made a couple of sizes too big for this reason.


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Created: March 10, 2003
Last updated: March 10, 2003