English Boys' Hosiery Seasonality

Figure 1.-- Quite a number of English schools in the late-20th century changed from knee socks to ankle socks during the summer term.

We are not sure about hosiery seasonality in the 19th century. We notice many English boys wearing long stockings and knee socks during the early 20th century. After World war I we mostly see boys wearing knee socks. But during the summer we see boys wearing sneakers and school sandals without socks. A good example is an unidentified English boy, perhaps in the 1940s. Younger boys might wear ankle socks, but they were not very common for school-age boys. After World War II knee socks began to decline in popularity. This trend was especially apparaent by the 1960s. At this time we see fewer boys wearing short pants all year round, but boys increasingly wear shorts as casual summer wear. Boys commonly wore ankle socks with casual summer shorts. Some schools during the summer term change from knee socks to ankle socks.


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Created: 12:19 AM 1/19/2008
Last updated: 12:19 AM 1/19/2008