Unidentified Hungarian Family: Brothers (1955)

Figure 1.--Here we see two of the cousins photographed separately. We assume that they are brothers. They look to be very close. Both boys wear standard white shirts. The older boy wears H-bar shorts. They are made to look like Lederhosen complete with an enbroidered design on the cross-bar of the haltar-like H-bar straps.

Here we see two of the cousins photographed separately. We assume that they are brothers. They look to be very close. They are about 3-6 years old. Both boys wear standard white shirts. The older boy wears H-bar shorts. They are made to look like Lederhosen complete with an enbroidered design on the cross-bar of the haltar-like H-bar straps. Hungary was of course associated with Austria for four centuries. They are of course not Lederhosen because they are cloth not leather. The younger boy wears bib-front suspender shorts. Curiously the straps seem to connect to the pants orv back of the bib and not the bib front. The boys wear sandals. Note the open toe. That was not common in many other countries (England, France, and Germany) where sandals were widely worn. We do not know enough about Hungary to known how common this was. It may have been a post-World War II style. A British reader writes, "Looking at the boys shoes, I think the open toes were an economy, To make the shoes last longer a parent has cut out the toe to accommodate the growing foot. This was done a lot in England with sandals. A frined of mine reminded me of this the other day. She used to get hand downs from her elder brother. She remembers that the sandals had often had the toes cut out before she got them. " HBC is not sure about this. It is possible, but some sandals were made this way. We do not know enough about Hungarian fashions to know how common this was.


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Created: 5:34 PM 9/2/2009
Last updated: 5:44 AM 9/3/2009