* America boys activities hand bell choirs

American Boys' Activities: Hand Bell Choirs

Figure 1.--Modern hand bell ringing originated in Tudor England within the Anglian Church community. The art crossed to America (early-19th century). Here we see an unidentifies Family group (probably 1880s). This wa sduing the Fauntleroy era which influenced the group's costuming. We see the mother and father with their four children (three boys and a girl). At the time the fashionn was to costume child prodigies in fashions emphasizing their youth. Click on the image for a blowup.

Hand bells have been reported in tyhe ancient world. The earliest known report dates to China (5th Century BC). The oldest existing bells with handles have been found in China (1600 BC). Subsequently bells of various kinds and shapes have been found in many dfifferent cultures and civilizations around the world. The modern hand bell traditiom seems to have originsted in England and relates to tower bell ringing. A sophisticated art of tower bell ringing was developing in Tudor England (16th century). It was called 'change ringing'. As it developed, a set of 5 to 12 tower or belfry bells were rung in a numerical sequence rather than the traditional melodic pattern. This necesitated hours of practic, pulling on the tower ropes that caused the bells to ring in various sequeces creating intricate melody patterns. It became so common, that many villigers found it distrurbing. This appears to have resulted in small bells being developed. The ringers found that this also allowed then to practice in comfortable, heated indoor settings. And gradually the hand bells became its own special art, becoming more and more sophisticated (18th century). Larger sets of haabd bells were cast to accomodate the ringers and their expanding reportoires. The popularity of 'Tune ringing' increased. Ringing melodies and simple harmonies were vset to music for festive occasions, especially Chridstmas. This all peaked (mid-19th century), but not before transplanting the art to America. We note an American hand bell choir (about 1890) (figur 1). Hand bell ringing was mostly done by adulys. Unlike vocal choirs, where the crystaline sound of soprano voices made boy choirs unique, adults were more accomlished at hand bell ringing. In addition the bell sets were expensive. The populariry of bell ringing declined (early-(20th century). But for some reason there was a revival after World War II. There is now quite a number of hand bell ringing choirs in America. The only child choir we know of was the Melody Bells from Evansville, Indiana which was active in the 1980s, oerforming at the White House.


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Created: 10:14 AM 1/31/2020
Last updated: 10:14 AM 1/31/2020