* United States boys clothes : George Swayze familiy

George Swayze Family (United States, early-1890s)

Figure 1.-- This studio cabinet card portarit is dentified as the Geo. Swayze family. There are six children. Everyone is wearing their best outfits. The younger boys wear collar buttoning jackets. The older boy wears a lapel jacket, but notice how small the lapel is. Not only does the older boy have small lapels, but so does father. The boy in front erars knee pants with black long stockings. We suspect that is brothers do also. The studio and location is not identified. Nor is the date. There are several fashion items indicators here than can be dated. Perhaps the most reliable indicator is the puffed sleeves we see in the uper right. That is a fress sleeve style popular in the 1890s

This studio cabinet card portarit is dentified as the Geo. Swayze family. There are six children, the mom and dad, all of whom have a distinct family resemblance. There are two older girls, or perahaps an older teen ager and a maiden aunt. There are three young boys, probably about 5-11 years old. There is also a baby who might be either a girl or a boy. They are all wearing their best outfits and look very serious. The younger boys wear collar buttoning jackets. The older boy wears a lapel jacket, but notice how small the lapel is. Not only does the older boy have small lapels, but so does father. The boy in front erars knee pants with black long stockings. We suspect that is brothers do also. The studio and location is not identified. Nor is the date. There are several fashion items indicators here than can be dated. Perhaps the most reliable indicator is the puffed sleeves we see with the lady at the uper right. That is a dress sleeve style popular in the 1890s. But the tenager at the upper left has straight sleeves. This suggest to us the portrait was taken in the early-90s. That is consistent with the other fashion indicatorscwe see here. The studio back drop is meant to show a Victorian parlor.


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Created: 10:54 PM 4/8/2020
Last updated: 10:54 PM 4/8/2020