Getting Dressed--John's Underwear, 1900

Figure 1.--Here we see John in a short-sleeve, long-leg union suit. During the Summer he probably would have worn one with knee-length legs. Click in the image to see a back view.

John like Carl wore a union suit. Here we see John wearing a union suit with long, ankle-length legs. These came with both long a short sleeves. John probably would have worn long-leg union suits during the Winter. Here there were regional differences related to climate in the United states. John might have called his long-leg union suits long johns. He probably had knee-length union suits for Summer wear as he still wore kneepants. Once he graduated to long trousers he probably would have only worn long-leg union suits. These union suits came with a three-button drop seat in the rear. The color of John's union suit here is white. They also came in a cream color and mottled gray.



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Created: 9:27 PM 2/5/2005
Last updated: 9:27 PM 2/5/2005