British Preparatory Schools E-Book: Schools in the U.K. Countries

Figure 1.--Most of the prep schools are located in England because the great majority of the British population is located there. It is not possible to detect differences in images of the schools, except when the Scottish boys are wearing their kilts. 

There are preparatory schools in all four countries of the United Kingdom: Englamd, Scotland, Ulster, and Wales. The academic program and uniforms at the preparatory schools in each of the different countries are very similar. The general educational program in Ulster and Wales are quite similar to England. Some differences exist in the Scottish educational system. There are also some differences between preparatory, but they are quite minor. For the most part it is impossible to determine where the schools are located from any examination of the the available images. There are some destinctive features of Scottish preparatory schools in particular, but even here it is very difficult to tell from photographs--except when the Scottish boys are wearing thir kilts. The major difference that we could detect was the accents of the children. Perhaps are readers will be able to provide some insights here. Most of the images in this volume are of from schools in England and to a lesser extent Scotland. The great majority of the British population is English and as a result most of the schools are located there.


There are preparatory schools in all four countries of the United Kingdom: Englamd, Scotland, Ulster, and Wales. The academic program and uniforms at the preparatory schools in each of the different countries are very similar. The general educational program in Ulster and Wales are virtually identical to that of England England. Ulster is also quite similar. Some differences do exist in the Scottish educational system. There are also some differences between preparatory, but they are quite minor. For the most part it is impossible to determine where the schools are located from any examination of the the available images, although some Scottish schools have destinctive uniforms.

Specific Country Views

There are some destinctive features of Scottish preparatory schools in particular, but even here it is very difficult to tell from photographs--except when the Scottish boys are wearing thir kilts. The major difference that we could detect was the accents of the children. Perhaps are readers will be able to provide some insights here. Most of the images in this volume are of from schools in England and to a lesser extent Scotland. The great majority of the British population is English and as a result most British prep schools are located there. There are, however, prep schools located throughout the country.


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