British Preparatory Schools E-Book: The United Kingdom

Figure 1.--Most of the schools we visited were in England which is by far the most populace component of the United Kingdom. There are prep schools in the other U.K. countries.  

By British Preparatory schools we are talking about the prep schools in the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom is composed of four different countries: England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. Britain essentially anned Wales and established English law (1536), The term united Kingdom came into use after the Act of Union with Scotland (1707). At this time Scottish law and institutions werepreserved. There are some other constiuents such as the Isle of Mann and the Channel Islands, but the four countries are the principal constituents units. Ireland was once part of the United Kingdom, but the country except the northern counties (Ulster) separated in the 1920s as the Irish Free State and formally created the Irish Republic in the 1930s. One confusing point. The island with England Wales and Scotland is Great Britain. Thus the population can be referred to as British. Ulster is more complicated. Thecountry is part of the United Kingdom, but referring to them as British is controversial. The Protestants generally want to use the term as they oppose union with the Catholic south. Ulster Caholics, however, generally object to be calling British.


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