British Prep Schools: The Children--Interests

Figure 1.--Many prep school boys are interested in sports. This is, however, not universal. The prep school program allows opportunities for boys to persue many other interess. Many children persue an interest in music. 

The prep school program is fairly standard, in part because the schools are relatively small. The schools do allow, however, opportunities for the children to persue their varied interests. It is a rare child who can not find some aspect of the program where he can persue his special interests. Many schools stress sports and their is ample opportunity for the children to persue a range od sports. The emphsasis is on rugby, football (soccer), and cricket, but other sports are part of the program. Many boys use their spare time to persue these interests. Most schools in recent years have attempted to expand the program and thus there are opprtunities for boys to persue interests in the fine arts. This is especially the case for boys interested in music, but there are other opprtunities as well. Children interested in maths and science can paicipate in a range of competitions. Prep schools also offer a range of clubs or activity programs to provide a chance to try a range of asctivities. And there are a wide variety of recreational opportunities provide a wide range of play opportunities for children of prep school age.


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