Prep Schools: Individual School Approaches and Programs

Figure 1.--School publications will explain to prospective parents why parents should chose their school. Some schools comment on their unique approach and objectives. More commonly the schools simply explain that they provide a high standard traditional, but not old fashioned education. Boarding used to be an essential part of a prep school education, but now schools offer a range of options which vary from school to school.  

School publications will explain to prospective parents why parents should chose their school. Some schools comment on their unique approach and objectives. More commonly the schools simply explain that they provide a high standard traditional, but not old fashioned education. Boarding used to be an essential part of a prep school education, but now schools offer a range of options which vary from school to school. These statements provides a useful background to put the school images here in context. There are many common threads in the comments here, such as an emphasis on literacy and numeracy. There is more of an emphasis on academics in modern school, but from the beginning character development has been a central goal. Here sports was seen as a major character building experience. The emphasis on sports is still present, but not as dominant as it once was. Schools have added a wide range of asctivities to broaden the experience. This varies considerably frm school to school. While there are common threads, the approaches of the schools are not identical. And of course these assessments have changed over time.

Why Pownall Hall?

The education of one's children provides a preparation for life in a rapidly changing and materiaslistic world. Teaching the strong to be gentle and the gentle sometimes strong, combined with compssionate caring. Christian ethics and confidence, are values which matter and which will continue to matter at Pownall Hall. Whilst literacy and numeracy remain fundamental requirements , education in its wider sense should in our view be directed to the development and realization of the latest skills of each child. That success need not be academic alone is clearly recognized by the encouragement of such a wide range of extra curricular activities aimed at character development.

The Wheasheaf (Pownall Hall), 1980.


Our approach at Brightlands is perhaps different from other Preparatory Schools in that each member of the teaching staff tends to be a specialist in his own subject. Most boys find this very stimulating and therefore are less likely to under-achieve. Furthermore, excellence in any field, not just games, is equally rized and acclaimed above all, excellence of character is sought, and some of the most valuable prizes awarded annually are for good citzenship.

Brigtlands Preparatory School Prospectus

Boundary Oak

As an independent preparatory school for boys, Boundary Oaks offers that increasingly rare commodity sought by discriminating parents determined to give their sons the 'best' possible start in life--a private education to the highest standards of English tradition. In deciding what constitutes 'the best', parents have to consuder a number of factors im addition to a school's facilities and academic prowess. It is admittedly important that a school is well appointed, equipped to modern standards, safe and comfortable--a place where a child can feel secure and cared for. While the staff and headmaster should therefore be suitably qualified academically and with the children's weldare and best interests foremost in mind, it is as important that they should be understanding human beings, easily approachable by the children and parents alike. Further, parents want to know that their sons' education will strike the right balance of academic achievement with the freedom to develop individual personalities and talents in sport, the arts and pure adventure pursuits. Additionally, though, are no less relevant comsiderations of geographaical situation, ease of access, flexible boarding and day-school arrangements, health care, clothing, fees and insurances, after school activities, parentl participation and so on. In describing how Boundary Oaks fulfills these requirements, the following pages try to anticipat as many of parents' initial questions as possible. In so doing, they illustrate a successful, long established and above all happy school combining the traditional values of an English education with modern methods, equipment and facilities--the best for children and parents alike.

Boundary Oak School Prospectus

Course of Study

The work of the School is continuous and progressive from the Preparatory School up to the Sixth Forms. The Forms are so arranged that while every boy with those who are approximately his own age and ability, no boy is allowed to remain in the ame formfor longer than a year. The system is designed to ensure that the advance of the abler boy is both continuous and rapid, while the less able boy is given an equal chancre and anot allowed to remain stationary. Every attempt is made to keep abreast of modern developments without sacrificing what is proven and best in raditional appraoches.

Bedford School Prospectus

Choosing a School

.... At the same time, each child is an individual, and good at slmething-- so that the school curriculum must be flexible and broadly based enough to ebcourage the growth and development of the individua;'s talents whether it be in the classroom, on the games field or in some hobby or recreational pursuit. As in all things, a good education is a matter of balance--between freedom and order; the needs of the community and those of the individual ; the development of the mind and the body.

The Downs School Prospectus


At Denmead we seek constantly to provide an environment in which all boys can develop confidence as their individualpersonalities and capabilities unfold. We are a happy but disciplned community where each boy is encouraged to take a serious interest in his own progress and to enjoy his achievements. Whgatever a boy's interests -- wheher they be intellectual, artistic, musical, athletic -- there is sufficently varied and stimulating curriculum tio carer for everyone."

Denmead Prosoectus


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