British Preparatory Schools E-Book: Volume III--Individuals

Figure 1.--The modst interesting aspect of our visits to the various schools was of course the individuals we met. Here we see a boy totally absorbed in his assignment. 

Here we have a look at some of the individuals associated with British prep schools. One of the fascinating aspects of prep schools like any school is of course the children. We have slected some captivating images of the children as they go about their daily routein. We not happy and sad children. Some having a good laugh and others deep in thought. We would love to give the children a penny for their thoughts. We notice others completely abosorbed in a book or other activity. These an many other experiences and emotions are all part of the daily life at any prepschool. Some of these images are posed with the children having fun getting theit photograph taken. Other images are candid portraits with the childre oblivious to our photographic activities. Of course we focus on the children, but we met many fascinating teachers and other staff members. And of course no review of the inviduals at prep schools would be complete without the almost complusory school dog or cat.







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