British Preparatory Schools E-Book: Volume III--Language

Figure 1.--All prep schools have prefects which are seen as a valuable part of the overall program. The responsibilities given the children vary from school to school, as do the terms used. Some prects are called captains. They commonly wear badges on their sweaters or blazers.  

One interesting aspect of the prep schools is language. There are all kinfs of terms used at the schools which will be recognizanle to manyBritish readers, but not to American and other foreign readers. Thus we thought some items from the mazines using these the terms might be helpful Some of the terms were relatively standards at all prep schools (forms, games, houses, lines, matron, masters, prefect, prep, tuck, whickett, etc.). There were also terms that developed at each specific schools. Prefects at some schools may be called captains. And individual masters might have their own favorite expressions.

Some Memories

For a retiring master, "I'm glad you decided to wait until I was leaving before doing so yourselves. Life would be strange without exclamations like 'GREAT GRRANNY MCFERRGURWHISTLE!'."

Nicholas CASTLE, Great Walstead Magazine 1987.


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