British Preparatory Schools E-Book: Volume III--School Summaries

Figure 1.--. 

Headmasters in school publications often provide bried summaries of the school in the prospectuses or other school publications. . Different head maters pick up on different aspects of the schools to stress. These brief statements offer interesting intriductions to the schools and prep schools in general. They provide insignts into the school program and outlook of the headmaster who plays a key role in the school program. We will load some of these summaries here to give an idea of how the different schools describe themselves. While brief, these summaries are often instructive. Here what we are trying to do is to give an indication as to how the schools see themselves and decribe themselves to prospective parents.


"At Denmead we seek constantly to provide an environment in which all boys can develop confidence as their personalities abd capabilities unfold. We are a happy but disciplined community where each boy is encouraged to take a serious interest in his own progress and to enjoy his achidevements. Whatever a boy's interests--whether they be intelectual, artistic, musical, althletic--there is a sufficiently varied and stimulating curriculum to cater for everyone."

Prospectus, 1979


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