Preparatory Schools Boarding: Atmosphere

Figure 1.--Boarding schools commonly allow the children to bring more of their personal belongings to school. Thus we see many of the trendy toys and games. One of the most popular toys when we vodited this school was radio controlled vehiches--especially race cars.  

A major difference between day schools and boarding schools is of course the time that the children spend at school. The schools thus tend to provide for amuch wide ranges of activties and circumstances. This gives the different schools quite a different atmpsphere. Basically the modern boarding school tries to recreate a semplance of a home environment. This is particularly notable at prep schools which of course cater to the younger children. This effort atmodern schools is a major departure for modern prep schools. Schools have various ways of doing this. Unlike day schools, children at boarding schools are allowed to bring a range of personal possessions to school which includes toys, bikes, scates boards, and other items. Here school rules vary. Day schools more focuded on the academic and other program areas often discourage such items. Thus at boarding schools you see many of the popular trends conected with toys, games, and other childhhod pursuits. Children also being treasured companins such as teddies and other stuffed animals. We also see small pets such as hamsters, gerbils, and rabbits. Quite a few boarding schools had per sheds. This all goes to build a more homey environment for the children. There is also a move away from the spartan environment of earlier schools. We see a range of ammenities like carpers, curtains, colorful duvets. Here the move toward coeducation has also been a factor. Annothr basic difference in the atmoshoere at boarding schools is a diiferent relationship between the children and staff. The fact that experiences are not limited to classroom interactions means that a more nuanced relationship develops.


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