Preparatory Schools Boarding: Evening Lull

Figure 1.--These Scottish boys at the end of the day are looking over a book while waiting for their bed-time bell to go in the foyer of the main school building, an old manor house.  

Boarding children sometimes get involved in favored activities like games or computer activities. Often many of the children become so acustomed to their bed times that they gather in the commons area, often a kind of foyer of the country homes mosts schools are built around. Sometimes there is a fire place with a cheery fire going. Here they await their bedtime bell to go. This is especially the case during the fall and winter terms when it gets dark rather early which discorages outdoor activities. They might chat with friends or look over a book. They tend to be relatively quite, digesting the events of the day. Commonly they are ready for bed, especially the younger children. Most would prefer to stay up a bit longer, but it is easy to tell that they are ready for a good night's sleep. While bed time is generally earlier than what might the case at home, they generally have more active days than children attending day schools.


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