Achieving School Goals: Boarding--Modern Views

Figure 1.-- Many parents today are increasingly reluctant to board their children, especially at the traditional entry age of about 8 years of age. Some boarding schools are having trouble filling bording places. The schools appear go be adjusting. Most schools are adjusting the program for fewer younger children boarding. Many schools, however, encourage parents to begin boarding heir children at leat by age 11 years. 

The benefits of boarding once almost went unsaid. Both educators and parents saw boarding as an inseperable part of the educational process. It was an accepted process that about age 8 tht boys would enter a boarding preparatry schools. Often the boys were dubious, but came to accept it. This has changed in modern Britain. Many parents today are increasingly reluctant to board their children, especially at the traditional entry age of about 8 years of age. Some boarding schools are having trouble filling bording places. The schools appear go be adjusting. Most schools are adjusting the program for fewer younger children boarding. Many schools, however, encourage parents to begin boarding heir children at leat by age 11 years. The greater influence of the mother seems to be a factor here. Increasingly they believe that younger children are better off with their parents. This does not seem to be a judgement based on any real research, but rather an essentially emptional response. Also the individual child now has more say about his education than children in the past. Many parents are now reluctant to board a child if he or she strenuosly objects to the idea. Children commonly adjust quickly to boarding, but the first few months can be very stressful, both for the children and the parents.


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