Preparatory Schools Boarding: Prefect Badges

Figure 1.--The prefects at this school wore red badges on their jumpers which idebtified them as prefects.  

The children chosen to be prefects wear a variety of medal and embroidered badges to identify them as prefects . Prefects used to wear badges on their blazers. But as blazers are not generally worn during the day at many schools, it is now common to wear the badgs on their jumpers (sweaters). There are different shapes and colors. They were fashioned in gleaming enamel with a sturdy pin on the back. Many medal badges were done as shields, but there were other shapes as well. Many but not all read "Prefect". Different colors might be used to identify different kinds of prefects or rank, such as head prefect. This depends somewhat on the size oif the school. Other badges are symbols that the children undrstand means prefect. The prefect badges are one of several tyoes of badges, but are the most prestigious appoitments.


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