Preparatory Schools Boarding: Weekday Activities--Prep

Figure 1.-- Prep is the term used for both after class assignment and the period of time in which the children do the assignments. Here we are talkig aout a supervised class. Prep of course is short for "preparation"--meaning preparation for class. The amount and emphasis placed on prep varies a good deal from school to school. This has a considerable impact on the atmophere at the school. Educators differ on jut how much prep is the most appropriate and beneficial.  

Prep is the term used for both after class assignment and the period of time in which the children do the assignments. Here we are talkig aout a supervised class. Prep of course is short for "preparation"--meaning preparation for class. The amount and emphasis placed on prep varies a good deal from school to school. This has a considerable impact on the atmophere at the school. Educators differ on jut how much prep is the most appropriate and beneficial. The mount of prep scheduled is a good indicator of the scool's assessment of academics and leisure. This of course affects the school experience. Some schools schedule prep in the afternoon so both dayboys and boarders do it. Other schools schedule the prep in the evening after the day boys go home so the day boys have to di their prep at home. Most schools have prep. At many schols there is oly one prep session. At other schools there is two or three prep sessions. At some schools prep is the major activity after afternoon games. Other schools are more inclined to give the children free time in the afternoon and evening. The amont of prep normally varies by age with the older children getting more prep than the younger children.

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