Preparatory Schools Boarding: Sunday--Letters Home

Figure 1.-- Schools have found that the best approach to letter writing is simply to schule a time each week when the children set down a write their letters. Thus the school can be sure at least one letter goes home to parents each week.  

Most children are not good letter writers. Some children would go a whole term without writing home. Thus virtually all if not all boarding schools require each child to write home at least weekly. Schools have found these best way to approach this is simply to schule a time each week when the children set down a write their letters. Thus the school can be sure at least one letter goes home to parents each week. In ersrlier tgimes the headmaster monitored what the children wrote, but ascfar as I know this is no longer done. The children can say whatever they want in their letters--as long as they write a letter. Schools vary as to just when this is done. Sunday morming before or after church is a common time, but this varies from school to school. I'm not sure how the computer era and e-mail has affected this. We suspect that there is still a required letter writing period. There is an assumption that children tend to write tearful letters home, but this is no common, although there is commonly some homsickness at first among ther younger children.


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