Battle of Britin: Phase 1--Kanalkampf (July 1940)

Figure 1.--The Luftwaffe after the fall of France took some time to establish itself in France. Thus the first phase of the Battle of Britain was in and along the Channel--the Kanalkampf. Much of this effort was in an around Dover. The Dover straits were the narrowest pont of the Channel. It became known as the Hellsfire Corner--the Channel area between Dover and Folkstone. This would continue as the Battle of Britain because many the RAF's forward bases were in Kent and many Luftwaffe flight plans crossed over the Dover Folkstine area. And the same was true when the target shifted to Lonson. Dover became a major target for the naval artillery guns set up as part of what would become the Atlantic Wall. The press caption here read, "Playing in Hell's Fire Corner: These children playing in the streets of this 'Front-Line' town of Dover, journaliticlly known as 'Hell's Corner,' not only are in constant danger from air bombings but live in constant peril of German long-range guns from across the Channel. The town is now the scene of an appeal by the Council for the Compulsory Evacuation of the local children. Owing to the difficulties, among others, of providing education under the general comditions."

After the French capitulation (June 16) and the signing of a armistice (June 18), the Luftwaffe moved quickly to established bases along the French coast. This requird a major logistical effort. Hitler ordered the Luftwaffe, Kriegsmarine, and Heer to prepare for an invasion of Britain (July 2). The Luftwaffe's task was to establish air superiority over Britain's Channel coast. The Luftwaffe wih a series of successful campaigns under its belt and strong showing against the RAF in France was confident of victory. The Luftwaffe began launching preliminary strikes in what has come to be called the Battle of Britain. The first attacks were on coastal shipping and probing attacks on Channel. The Aldershot barracks, an important Army grrison along the coast, was hit (July 6). July 10 is the date normally used for the beginning of the Battle of Britain. It marked the beginning of the Kanalkampf. While the Luftwaffe was moving into French air bases. Operations in the Channel were the easiest to initiate. Coastal shipping and ports were the major target, but the primary Luftwaffe objective was to draw out the RAF fighters to battle. The Luftwaffe launched attacks on the Chain Home Radar Net. These proved to be difficult targets and not fully understanding the importance, did not persist in attacking the radar stations. Although Air Chief Dowding was crticised, he correctly assessed the imortance of husband Fighter Command resources as well as understanding the advantage of fighting over England rather than the land. Dockyards at South Wales were also hit by a force of 70 bombers (July 10). From a very early point Hellfire Corner emerged as a focal point of the Battle--this was the area between Dover and Folkstone including the White Cliffs of Dover--where the Battle of Britain stands today. Dover had been the most important berthing point for Operation Dynamo--the Dunkirk Evacuation. The Straits of Dover were located there, the narowest pont of the Channel. Thus much of the Kanalkampf swirled around Ramsgate, Dover, and Folkstone. The Lufwaffe attacked ships in Dover Harbor (July 20). Dover was again heavily bombed (July 29). Other Channel ports were hit. Chain Home Stations stood atop the Dover Cliffs. Hitler unveiled plans for a cross-channel invasion code nammed Operation Sea Lion (July 16). It was scheduled to begin with massive air assaults on August 5 followed by the German force crossing the Channel under a protective Luftwaffe shield.


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Created: 7:41 PM 3/19/2016
Last updated: 7:42 PM 3/19/2016