Canadian Mail Order Catalogs and Advertisements with Boys Clothings: 1946

Figure 1.--These are two of the play suits Eatons offered in its summer 1946 address. The outfit at left was for boys 2-6 years of age and the one on the right for boys 1-3 years of age.

You definitely notice American clothes entering the Canadian market in 1946 after World War II. The U.K. was totally absorbed by the War in the early 40s and in the late 40s the economy was devestated. The English fashion industry was not producing new styles and could not even satisfy domestic nglish demand. Nor do we see any hint of French fashion. Canada was not devestated by the War, but like America had an expanding economy. The French populstion in Montréal was growing. Eatons used the linguistic approach to develop the French-speking market. We notice French-language Eatons catalogs in 1946, but am not sure when this begn. There were a variety of short and long pants play outfits. Notice the button-on styling. We notice suits and spork jackets for boys. Girls still wear mostly dresses, but pants are offered. Long stockings was a concession for rural customs where catholic religion was extremely strong. It was not until the 1960s that French-speaking Canadians fully accepted modern styles.

Play Suits

Eatons offered play suits for both boys and girls.

Eatons boys play suits

Eatons offerd several styles of boys' play suits, both long and short pants styles. There are five outfits, two long pants play suits ad three short pants play suits. Four are button-on style play suits. One is bib-front overall style play suit. They were made in sizes for boys 2-6 years of age.

Children's play suits

Eatons offerd several styles of children's play suits, both long and short pants styles. Most were for girls, but there were two boys' suits a well. Girls still mostly wore dresses in 1946, but one of the girls' outfits is a long psnts play suit.



Sport Coats





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Created: August 4, 20031
Last updated: 11:55 AM 10/20/2007