English Advertisements: Long Socks (England, 1930s)

Figure 1.--We note an undated advertisement for Bestway long socks which we believe dates to the 1930s. Long socks were one of several British terms for knee socks. "Soc" i think was a marleting gimic. The ad is a little difficult to date, but I think the strap shoes suggest the 30s more than the 40s. Note the ad for Unshrinkable Emu Wool. I think that means New Zealand or Australian wool. They were made in two sizes 4-6 years and 6 to 8 years. Knee socks were made in larger sizes, but perhaps not with the pattern tops.

We note an undated advertisement for Bestway long socks which we believe dates to the 1930s. Long socks were one of several British terms for knee socks. "Soc" i think was a marleting gimic. The ad is a little difficult to date, but I think the strap shoes suggest the 30s more than the 40s. Note the ad for Unshrinkable Emu Wool. I think that means New Zealand or Australian wool. They were made in two sizes 4-6 years and 6 to 8 years. Knee socks were made in larger sizes, but perhaps not with the pattern tops.


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Created: 3:20 PM 11/27/2009
Last updated: 3:20 PM 11/27/2009