French Mail Order Catalogs with Boys Clothing: 1975

Figure 1.--Redoute in 1975 offered a range of colorful long and short sleeve "T"-shirts for summerwear. The bright logos seem to have American styles. So as to focus on the different shirts, the boys all wear the same blue short pants. Note the variety of hair styles.

French mail order catalogs and clothing advertisements offer a very useful time line on changing fashion trends. The Redoute catalog offered a range of brightly colored children's clothes. Bibfront shorts and long pants were popular for younger boys. We note a red Eton like jacket and short pants of varying length. There were khaki jackets which were worn with colorful turtle neck shirts. The pants appear to be brown corduroy flares.




One mail order catalog offered khaki-colored jackets.



We note French catalogs offering a wide range of casual shirts, some with logos.

Redoute "T"-shirts

Redoute in 1975 offered a range of colorful long and short sleeve "T"-shirts for summerwear. So as to focus on the different shirts, the boys all wear the same blue short pants. The shirts have sports, college, and cartoon logos--mostly Americam motifs.


Some pages offered a mix of garments and outfits.

Redoute outfits

Redoute was a major French mail order company in the 1970s. The Redoute catalog offered a range of brightly colored children's clothes. Bibfront shorts and long pants were popular for younger boys. We note a red Eton-like jacket and short pants of varying length. There seems to be a strong American influence with several of the styles shown here. There are also French touches. Note the creases on all the pants, even the casual outfits.



Catalogs offered a variety of pants. We notice jeans and corduroys. Som of the long pants had flares. There were a variety of short pants. Casual shorts are increasingly important. The length of the shoirts varied. Most were short cut, but some longer lengths are also available.

Sailor Suits


Here is an advertisement that appeared in a French magazine during 1975. The czption reads, "It is not because kids are moving that their socks have to be moving down." The ad copy underneath reads that Stemm socks, because they are made like a tube are molding the foot. When pulled on, they don't move. They are made in wool, cotton, orlon or Nylon.


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Created: November 8, 2002
Last updated: 2:04 AM 7/12/2005