Dutch Boys Toddler Suits Sewing Patterns--1949

Figure 1.--"Libelle" in 1949 provided a pattern for this toddler outfit. It was the first outfit for a boy that is no longher an infant.

Libelle in 1949 provided a pattern for a child's first toddler suit. Infants often were dressed in knitted outfits. This was a boy's firrt toddler outfit made out of material rather than knitted. The suit has a kind double breasted jacket and leggings-like pants.


Libelle was founded in 1933. We know that they were very popular after World War II in the late 1940s and 50s. A Dutch reader tells us that Libelle is a magazine for woman which has a special fashion section in it which often included patterns. They not only offer knitting patterns, but all kinds of sewing patterns for mothers and grandmothers to sew at home. Libelle was very popular in the Netherlands as well as Flemish areas of Belgium. Libelle still exists today. The magazine has an internet site, but as it is in Dutch, we can not read it. It appears to be evolving into a life-style magazine and does not give the same attention to fashion as they once did. There are today far fewer patterns, reflecting the fact that fewer Futch mothers now sew their own and their children's clothes.


The age for which the pattern was meant is not specified. Benjamin looks to be 3 years old.


Libelle in one 1949 issue offered a juvenile suit pattern. The ad copy reads, "Als Benjamin geen baby meer is (When Benjamin is no longer a baby.) Then the knitted garments will be gradually replaced by coats en suits made of material, still made by mum. The boys coat no 1837 has two seams in the front and in the back. The matching pants is wide above the knees which gives a lot of freedom to move. The legs fit tight around the legs at the bottom and are colsed with buttons or a zipper."


I'm not sure how to describe the outfit. There is no specific name used to describe it in the ad copy. I have never seen an outfit quite like this in the United States and am unsure how it would be called in English.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: April 24, 2002
Last updated: April 24, 2002