Adair's Highland Kilt Outfits, 1910

Figure 1.--This 1910 advertisement by an Edinburgh kilt maker offers both a full Highland outfit and a young chief outfit for boys.

This advertisement from a Scottish maker of men and boy's wear offers two Higlands outfits for boys including the kilt itsels and all the various accessories.

The Company

Jonn Adair was a manufactured of men and boys' clothing, including Higland outfits thaey had pulets in both main Scottish cities, two in Edinburg and one in Glasgow. As the company puts it, "manufactuer of superior clothing for gentleman and their sons"

Costumes Offered

Adairs offered two different Highland outfits.

Full dress Higland outfit

Adair quoted prices for size 2, probable age 6 years. The indicated, however, that the prices rise and fall 2/6 according to the boy's size. The prices in 1910 were expressed in pounds/shillings/pence. Scotland like England didn't go decimal until the 1960s. Adair listed both required and optional items for this outfit.

These items were required:
Velvet doublet and vest .... 1/1/0
Tartan kilt ..... 0/12/6 Do Trews .... 0/3/6 and Do Plaid .... 0/5/6
Shoulder brooch .... 0/2/0
"Full dress" sporran .... 0/3/6
Chain strap .... 0/1/6
Velvet Glengarry cap .... 0/3/0
Cap crest .... 0/1/0
Cocktail feather .... 0/1/0
Collar and tie .... 0/1/0
Tartan hose .... 0/3/6
Patent brogues ....0/8/6
Grand Total .... 3/7/6

These itemd were optional. As the store put it, "Extras, though not necessary":
Dirk .... 0/10/6
Skean dhu .... 0/5/0
Shoulder and waist belts .... 1/1/0
Kilt pin .... 1/10
Revised total: .... 5/5/0

Young chiefs Highland costume

These items were required:
Tweed jacket and vest .... 0/10/6
Tartan kilt ..... 0/12/6 Do Trews .... 0/3/6
Head or leather sporran .... 0/5/6
Chain strap .... 0/1/6
Saxony Glengarry or Balmoral cap .... 0/2/6
Cap crest .... 0/1/0
Collar and tie .... 0/1/0
Tartan hose .... 0/3/0
Brushing brogues ....0/8/6
Grand Total .... 2/9/6

Extras, though not necessary:
Dirk .... 0/10/6
Skean dhu .... 0/5/0
Kilt pin .... 1/10
Revised total: .... 3/5/6


Christopher Wagner

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Created: June 7, 2001
Last updated: June 7, 2001