40R130: Boy's Wash Crash Suit

Figure 1.--Sears in 1902 offered many sailor suits for boys 3-10 years of age. The styling varies somewhat and their are many different colors, surprisingly including pink. The uits ere made in severl different materials.

This washable suit was made of "crash" which was a plain-weave fabric of rough, irregular, sometimes even lumpy finish. This was one of the least expensive sailor suits available.


This sit like all the other sailor suits offered by Sears in 1902 were kneepants suits with buttons at the leg hem. There were no short pamts, knicker, or long pants suits.


All of the sailor suits offered by Sears in 1902 were for boys fom 3-10 years. There were no suits for younger or older noys.


These suits all seem to be the ones for summer wear. Note that there are no heavy wool sailor suits that the boys would have worn in winter.

Sears Ad Copy

The Sears ad copy read, "Boy's Wash Crash Suit, 35 Cents. Made from a fair quality of wash crash. Shield [dicky] and cuffs trimmed with brown duck [another fabric]. Large sailor collar. Anchor monogram in center of shield. Cord and whistle with each suit. A deirable and substantilly made wash suit. No. 40R130 Price for boys' wash suit for boys aged 3 to 10 years ... 35 cents."


The whistle must have pleased the boy. We wonder how many mothers may have confiscated it.


Sailor suits are generally seen as blue and white garments. Sear in 1902 offered mny other colors. This one seems to be a white suit with brown trim. Note that each style of suit was only availavle in oine color or color combination.

Hair Styles

Sears shows many of the boys wearing the illustrated sailor suits with various hair styles. Many wear long hair, but none wear ringlets.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: December 16, 2001
Last updated: December 16, 2001