Carter’s Briefs for Men and Boys (United States, 1948)

Figure 1.-- Briefs had by the 1940s become the primary underwear pants worn by American boys. Carters was one of the principal American companies mabufacturing wunderwear. This ad follows the favored father-son formula with the boy wearing a junior version of his Dad’s underwear--a knitted sleeveless undershirt with cotton briefs.

Briefs had by the 1940s become the primary underwear pants worn by American boys. Carters was one of the principal American companies mabufacturing wunderwear. This ad follows the favored father-son formula with the boy wearing a junior version of his Dad’s underwear--a knitted sleeveless undershirt with cotton briefs. There is also a toddler’s version of the briefs.

Ad Focus

Quite a number of underwear ads in the 1940s and 50s pictures fathers and sons. Presumably the point is that voys and men wear the same styles of underwear. It also allows them to appeal to a wide age range in the same ad.


The ad here shows Carter's underwear for boys and men in 1948. We are not sure when the company began making underwear. Carter's is still an active company, but we think of it as mopre of a company making infantwear. We notice a lot of advertisements for Carter's infant and toddler clothes. We still notice advertisements for Carter's underwear. We note Penney's handles Carter's underwear, but it appears to be toddler and chikldren's underwear.

Woman's Home Companion

The ad appeared in the Woman's Home Companion durijg 1948. We do not yet have much infiormtion on the magazine.


Briefs had by the 1940s become the primary underwear pants worn by American boys. Carters was one of the principal American companies mabufacturing wunderwear. This ad follows the favored father-son formula with the boy wearing a junior version of his Dad’s underwear--a knitted sleeveless undershirt with cotton briefs. There is also a toddler’s version of the briefs.


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Created: September 7, 2003
Last updated: 4:51 PM 10/15/2004