English Children's Literature: Annuals--Blackie's

Figure 1.--Here we have a cover from "Blackie's Boys' Annual". I'm not sure about the date, but would guess the 1940s. Notice the boy in the cover illustration wears a blue school blazer and the horizontal ties that were common in the 1930s-50s.

Another annual was Blackie's Boys' Annual. We know nothing about it, except that it was published in the early 20th century. We note one issue that looks to be from the late 1940s. Hopefully our British readers can tell us more about this annual. Notice the boy in the cover illustration wears a blue school blazer and the horizontal ties that were common in the 1930s-50s.


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Created: 3:44 AM 11/27/2004
Last updated: 3:44 AM 11/27/2004