English Children's Literature: Annuals--Dean

Figure 1.--Dean is a major British publisher of children's literature. We note some annuals without the word "annual" in the title. We have a cover of "Dean's Superb Book for Boys" published in 1964.

Dean is a major British publisher of children's literature. We note some annuals without the word "annual" in the title. We have a cover of Dean's Superb Book for Boys published in 1964. We do not have ny information what the contents were, but one would assume that sports was a principal topic. The principal illustration appears to show a boy in a soccer football uniform. There are inserts showing other activities, incluing cricket (white flannels), camping (short pants but not Scouts), and canoeing (rolled up denim shorts). The hairstyle's with the classic side part, on the left side. Note the large fringe the one boy has. Brylcreem' was popular at the time and some of theseboys apparently used it.

An Australian reader tells us, "I read this annual when I was about 10 and visiting a friend in Adelaide. His parents bought them from England when on holidays. This is how I got to know more about soccer through these British annuals and I got to know about rowing, Scouts and other boys sports and activities."

Christopher Wagner

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Created: November 17, 2002
Last updated: Novmber 17, 2002