English Children's Literature: Annuals--Children's Friend Annual

Figure 1.--The 1917 "Children's Friend Annual" was composed of 1916 issues of the magazine. It pictured Boy Scouts rescuing a damdal in distress. Annuals until well after World War I had such obvious gender sterotypes.

We do not know a great deal about this annual. This appears to have been a monthy magazine for children which were bound as annials without original content. At least that wsas done for the 1917 edition. It included numerous stories, poems, articles and color plates as well as superb engravings. Includes serialised novel "A Madcap Family" by Amy Le Feuvre, "The Story of a Pebble" a very short story by Charles Kingsley, and briefly features punch and judy puppets Darkie Jim and Darkie Bill, forerunners of the beloved, and in our politically correct world controversial, Golliwogs. Edutions often included scool stories by Ethel Talbot. Notably, almost always these school stories dealt with adventures at private schools--not the state schools that most English boys attended. The 1918 edition of the annual was the first to feature glossy colour plates tipped in instead of the rather coarsely coloured pages of previous editions. Includes serialised novel "Oscar Danby, V. C., a Tale of the Great European War" by Rowland Walker, two short stories by Ethel Talbot, and articles about "Our war aims" and "Wild herbs and their uses".

Christopher Wagner

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Created: September 19, 2002
Last updated: September 19, 2002