English Children's Literature: Annuals--School Boys' Annual

Figure 1.--This is the 1972 edition of the English "School Boys' Annual". It followed the same formula as other annuals, but with a focus on school life.

The School Boys' Annual was published in England by Jarrold and & Sons Ltd,Norwch. It was much like other annuals with adventure stories, projects, games, cartoon stories, and other features. Many butnot all of the adventures and cartoons focused on school life. We do not know when this series began or ended. We do note a 1972 edition. Unlike many other annuals, I do not ythink that there was a correspnding monthy or weekly paper from which this annual was compiled. Like other English annuals, they quite often were also distributed in British Empire countries. An Ausralian reader writes, "This was my favourite old 1972 Annual. It was a 13th birthday present from my nanna and I took to camp with me. I was fascinated my the descriptions of British school adventures."


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Created: July 5, 2003
Last updated: July 5, 2003