Clothing in French Literature: the Little Prince Antoine de Saint Exupry (1900-44)

Figure 1.--This is one of Saint Exupry's imaginative, caharming drawings from "The Little Prince". Click on the image to see another illustration.

One HBC contributor points out a little guy-famous now in multiple language translation-as well as for the illustrations done by the author). Antoine de Saint Exupry (1900-44) wrotr and illustrated Le Petit Prince. The book has been made in a stage offering, a video, and I don't know what else. The book is a symbolic account of an encounter in the desert of a man with a young boy from an unknown planet. This child is "the Little Prince". In France most young children were given this book or had it read to them. A French reader tells us, "Most French children are familiar with this book. Of course I read it when I was boy in the 1950s. My friends also all read it." HBC is unsure to what extent it is still popular with French parents. While parents did commonly give this book to their cildren, in reality it is not just a charming little tale for childre. In fact, only informed adults can really understand and appreciate it. Saint Exupry was an aviator, pionier of air-mail in the 1930s. He is disappeared in 1944 in the Meditteranean on a military mission during World War II. He is the author of many works imagined during his long solitary flights: Night flight, Ground of the men, Fighter pilot, etc.

French Summary

Le petit Prince écrit et illustré par Antoine de Saint Exupéry (1900-1944). Un récit symbolique et onirique racontant la rencontre, dans le désert, d'un homme avec un jeune garçon venant d'une planète inconnue, cet enfant est "le petit prince". En France, on s'obstine à offrir ce livre aux enfants, alors qu'il n'est compréhensible que par des adultes avertis. Les illustrations sont de la main de l'auteur. Saint Exupéry était un aviateur, pionier de l'aéropostale dans les années 1930. Il est disparu en 1944, en mer Méditéranée, lors d'une mission de guerre. Il est l'auteur de nombreux ouvrages imaginés lors de ses longs vols solitaires : "Vol de nuit", "Terre des hommes", "Pilote de guerre", etc.

Translation Note

Please note that our foreign-languages translations, like this French transltion, are no always a summary of the English text. In this case he French text was the original ssessment, submitted by a French reader. We have taken that text, translated it and then added additional information. Thus there may be substantial differences between the two. We have kept the original French text, however, to assist our French readers who may have ifficulty reding Enlish.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: August 2, 2002
Last updated: August 2, 2002