Harry Potter: Importance

Figure 1.--The importance of the Rowling stories is not really the literary merits which are considerable. Rather it is the strength of which she has used to drawn young minds to reading.

J.K. Rowling is a marvelous story teller. The Harry Potter stories are imaginative and exciting. The mix of heroic child characters, magic, and villans had a wonderful appeal to young minds. I would have thought that boys in particular would have been drawn to the Potter stories. We notice, however, that girls also enjoy them. The importance of the Rowling stories is not really the literary merits which are considerable. Rather it is the strength to which she has drawn young readers to reading. As any teacher knows, reading is the major step in a child's education. For the most part, children who master reading skills and enjoy reading will do well, not only in school but in life as well. Those who do not are going to have trouble. We know of few authors who have so powerfully captured the imagination of youthful readers.


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Created: 9:33 PM 11/8/2010
Last updated: 9:33 PM 11/8/2010