*** boys historical clothing : new pages April 2023

Boys' Historical Clothing: New Pages--April 2023

Malta history
Figure 1.--This depiction of the Great Seige of Malta (1565) would be a turning opoint in European history. It was on Malta that Europeans first began to effectively resist Ottoman expansion. This was a conflict between Christian and Islamic warriors. The deciding facor, however would not be theology, but the science and technology that would be nurtuted in Christendom and supressed in the Muslim world. The scene was painted by Charles Philippe Lariviere about 1842.

Some HBC readers tell us that they would like to be able to access new pages, but do not want to receive E-mails on every new page added to HBC. We have also for several years now experienced problems dealing with AOL. Thus we have created this page for HBC readers. We will list new pages or existing pages to which we have added additional information. We used to maintain a page like this. We know from this experience that we sometimes forget to add a new page, but we will try to remember to do this as much as possible. There will not be a link on our home page so you will want to add this to your favorites/book marks. We plan to only make this page available to readers who support HBC. There may be occasional changes in the URL. Just let us know if you have any question about this HBC feature.

Notice CIH/HBC is still working on a huge migration. The new system is more stable, but much more demanding than the old system. A tiny coding error which the old system tolerated can cause a broken link, both pages and images. I am slowly making the correctiions, but as there are 25,000+ pages, it will be some time before we find them all. If you encounter a broken page or image link, feel free to alert me and I will make the needed correction and you can get to the page

April 30

Italian photographer: Giuseppe Bruno

19th century photographers More work here

NAZI Generalplan Ost/General Plan East: Easterrn Blood Wall

April 29

Country garments

German 1910 families: Granny and grand children

April 28

American schools: The 1940s

American cut-away jacket construction

April 27

American Boy Dresses: 1890s Chronology--Styles

April 26

World War II: Collectables

April 25

World War II: School and food

World War II: British bomb shelter types

April 24

World War II: British evcuation--Execution

World War II: British school gas mask drills

April 23

Wirldc War II: British school gas mask drills

World War II: German military campaigns

World War II: Renewed Allied air campaign More work here

World War II: Rhineland campaign

World War II: Air campaign: The numbers

April 22

Little Lord Fauntleroy Kilt Suits: Garments

U.S. First Communion Suits: Unidentfied Group (1940s)

April 20

Dresses for Boys: Country Trends--North America

American Curls: Non-Ringlet Fauntleroy Curls

April 19

American chools: Reeves School (1909)

American button-on clothing (1930s)

April 18

American boys' bows: Chrionology

American large family (1910s)

Greek Photographers: Voula Papaioannou -- Traumatic Decade (1940s)

April 17

Greek Photographers: Voula Papaioannou-- Happy Children

Greek Boys Clothes: Photographers--Voula Papaioannou (1898-1989)

April 16

World War II: D-Day Airborn--American right flank

April 15

Austro-Hungarian Empire: Families

Austro-Hungarian Empire: Hunharian family

Czech artistsL: Alfions Mucha

Austrian history

April 13

Boys' skirted garments

American Kilt Suits: Garments--Pants

April 12

American schools: Skirted garments--Tunic

American tunic suits: Footwear--Formality

April 11

Malta: Medieval history

Russian artist: Nikolay Petrovich Bogdanov-Belsky More work here.

American kilt suits: The 1860s

April 8

American schools: Titusville School (Florida)

April 7

American family First Communion Pair (1923)

Amnerican school pants/trousers (1910s) br>

April 5

Information: Writing, Paper, Printing, and Libraries

April 4

Amrican school: Green River School

Americn public schools: Location

April 3

English Boy Choir Costumes: Royal Services Additional information

Japan: Television system

World War II: Oil transports--Pipelines

April 1

American schools: Demogrsphics (1920s)


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Created: 2:57 AM 2/8/2023
Last updated: 2:57 AM 2/8/2023