American Boys' Blue Summer Kilt Suit: Garments--Fauntleroy Blouse

Figure 1.-- This suit was worn with a Fauntleroy blouse. This was common for cut-away jackets. It was not, however an actual part of the suit. The blouse here is cream colored. It hass a large frilled collar, but was not as fanct as many blouses we have seen.

This suit was worn with a Fauntleroy blouse. This was common for cut-away jackets. It was not, however an actual part of the suit. The blouse here is cream colored. It hass a large frilled collar, but was not as fanct as many blouses we have seen. Especially the front seems rather plain, especially a Fauntleroy blouse to be worn with a cut-away jacket. Notice that the blouse here does not blouse out. This means that it was not a draw-string blouse. We wonder if there were buttons on the blouse or inside the kilt waistband to hold the kilt skirt up. Unfortunately we do not have an image of the inside of the kilt skirt waistband. Boys during the hot summer weather might wear just their blouses and not the jacket of their suits. This gave rise go the expression "shirt-sleeve youngsters". Men during the late 19th century were expected tobwear their jackets no mater what the temperature. We do not see many images of boys wearing blouses and kilt sskirts, but this is probably because most availavle images are formal portraits. Presumably mother would want her son to wear the jacket for a portrait.


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Created: 10:58 PM 11/14/2005
Last updated: 10:59 PM 11/14/2005