Vintage Clothing: Fancy American Tunic Suits

Figure 1.--This was a white sailor tunic suit that would have been worn by an American boy at the turn of the 20th century. The lace trim show that it would have been worn for dress occassions. Click on the image to see the back of the suit.

This vintage boy's sailor tunic dates from the turn of the 20th century, probably the 1900s. It is a white cotton three piece suit, tunic, dickey and knickers. It has white lace trim on the sailor collar, meaning that it was a dress suit worn for special occassions. It may have been the boy's best summer outfit. It is double breasted with pearl buttons. Coat is 22" long - shoulder to shoulder 14". Length of sleeves 12.5", chest is 32". Knickers are 17" long, hips 28", waist is 24". I an not sure about the age of the boy. I would have guesed a boy 5-6 years old. The size, however, suggests a somewhat older boy, perhaps about 10 years old.


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Created: June 27, 2003
Last updated: June 27, 2003