German Lederhosen Chronology: The 1970s--Haltars

Figure 1.--Here we see a family on a summer outing in 1970. It looks like they are aake site. The oldest boys wears Lederhosen, but without a lsaltar.

Lederhosen can be worn both with and without haltars. They are both functionasl and decorative. Younger boys in particular wear them to hold up their pants rather like suspebder or H-bar short pants. We note many boys wearing Lederhosen without haltars in the 1970s. Halters did not disappear, but they seem much less common. Many boys seem to have stopped wearing halters. This seems to hsave been a very strong trends with Ledergoden worn as a casual garment. I am not sure why the haltars became less common. Perhaps the boys began seeing them as old fashioned. We do not see haltars being worn with their Scout uniform shirt. Many photographs show boys wearing Lederhosen without the halters while playing or on vacation outings. The exception here seems to be boys formally dressed as part of a folk costume or when dressing up with a suit jacket.


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Created: 7:31 AM 4/25/20104
Last updated: 7:31 AM 4/25/2010