** ethnic clothing and costume: Native American tribes Yuman Yumas

Native American Tribes: The Yakama

Figure 1.-- This unidentified Yakama boy was probably photographed sometime in the early-0th century. He has long, loose hair and wears a long sleeved shirt. The shirt looks to be store-bought and then decorated. We notice shell beads. He seens to have some sort of fur piece prtially obcured by his hair. Photographer: Edward S. Curtis.

The Yakama people inhabited the central Washington's plateau arond the Cascade Mountain Range to the Columbia River and beyond. The Yakama people when the weather turned cold retired to winter villages generally located along te Colombioa River valley floor where the winter weather was relatively mild and wood and water were available. When Spring began and the first edible greens appeared, the Yakama would begin moving out of the valleys and into the the countryside gthering food resources. The search varied. Some followed the melting snows ingo the uplands. Ohters foused more on fishing. The salmon coming up the Columbia River was important economically to the Yakama. Game included deer and elk. The huckleberry harvest ws imoportant in the fall. Food would be either stored or transported back to the winter village from both the mountains and the rivers. There thy ould survive on stored food and occasional game kills. The modern Yakama are a composit group formed from many smll related tribes and bands in the Columbia Basin Plateau, including the Yakama, Kah-miltpah, Klickitat, Klinquit, Kow way, Li ay was, Oche Chotes, Palouse, Pisquose, ShyikSk'in-pah, Wenatchapam, Wish ham, and others. There were 14 of these tribes and bands that signed the Treaty of 1855 near what is now Walla Walla, Washington. They were at that time confederated into the Yakama Indian Nation. The name was selectedfromthe largest of the federated tribes.


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Created: 7:25 PM 8/6/2006
Last updated: 11:50 PM 4/11/2011