Figure 1.--This English boy had his portrait taken in London with his sister, probably in the 1880s. His ringlets were done loosely with partial front bangs. Notice the arrangementb on top his head. For the complete portrait with his sister, click on the image. Portrait courtesy of the MD collection.

English Boys' Ringlet Curls: Styles

We have little information on the style of ringlet curls worn by English boys. We do not detect any differences with the styles worn in America, but our information is still very limited. We note English boys wearing ringlets at different length. Shoulder length was perhpas the most common. Some were done in tight ringlets and others were more loosely dine. The tight ringlets may have been some what less common than in America. There were a wide range of styles for both the front and top of the head with ringlets. Bangs were a common way of gealing with the front. The top of the head was geberally combed down to form the ringles, but some mothers did more elablorate styles with curls on the top as well. The top curl styles could be quite elaborate as in the imafe here (figure 1). This was, however, not the most common style.


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Created: March 28, 2003
Last edited: March 28, 2003