Cutting A Boy's Curls

Figure 1.--This photograph appears to be a boy, despite the ringlet curls and hair bow. The child was photographed in 1909 in a white tunic suit.

Mothers varied a great deal on just when they decided to have their sons' curls cut. This might be done while the boys wer wearing a great variety of garments. A variety of images exist showing boys before and after their curls were cut. Some of these images shows boys before and after breeching as well with various types of outfits. In some cases the images show a change of outfits.


Kilt Suit


Tunic suits became a popular outfit for boys around the turn of the century. Often they were a transition from dresses to more boyish suits like sailor suits. Mothers did not always follow the accepte pattern.

Fauntleroy Suits

Sailor Suits

Christopher Wagner

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Created: May 9, 1998
Last updated: March 18, 2001