Lace Collar Trends: Fancy Blouses

boys lace collars
Figure 1.--Lace collars were also sewn on to fancy blouses. Some times the lace was only used a esdging on large ruffled collars. The most common type of lace here was cut-outlace.

The third major lace collar type was the collar on fancy blouses which came already attached. These were less adaptable garments and could only be worn while the blouse was still the right size for the boy. Of course thrifty mothers might cut the lace off an reuse it. The blouses often were made with ruffled rather than actual lace. We see a great variety of these blouses in turn-of-the-century catalogs and sewing patterns. This gets complicated because some large ruffled colars included some lace, often added as edging. It would have been very expensive to do the large collars that became popular all in lace. The large collars became very fashionable and were worn by boys from poor families as well as wealthy families.


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Created: 6:49 PM 6/26/2006
Last updated: 6:49 PM 6/26/2006