American Tunics: The 1870s--Lacy Decoration

American boy tunic

Figure 1--This tin-type portrait shows an unidentified American boy wearing ahite tunic suit. Note the cut-out lace decoration. Also notice the striped long stockings which help date the portrait. Ti-types are hard to dte, but the clothing a furniture rather conclusively date this one to the 1870s.

We notice quite a number of white tunics with lacy decoration in the early-20th century (1900s-10s). We thought that this was a style destinctive o this period. We have found a lacy tunic outfit which we bdlieve vcomes from the 1870s that looks very much like the early-20th century tunics. Like the early-20th century, it is the cut-out lave variety, not true lsce. They do not seem very common in the 70s and to date we have only found one example. We have archived qyuite a number of 1870s images and only finding one exampole, suggests that it was not very common. Nor have we found examples in the 1860s and 80s. Dating the image is a problem because it is a tin-type and tin-types are more difficult to date than other formats.


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Created: 4:21 PM 7/22/2017
Last edited: 4:21 PM 7/22/2017