** United States tunics construction button closures

American Tunics: Button Closures

Figure 1.--Like most Ambros, this one is undated, but was probably taken in the late-1850s. Notice the large white buttons even though he is an older boy, perhaps 10 years of age .

Most tunics worn in the mid-19th and early-20th century had button closures. Here we are not sure about the early-19th century, but by the time photography was invented (1840s), we see button closures. It is not not always clear, however, just where the buttons were. Side buttons were common became common in the mid-19th century. We are not sure about the early-19th century before photography became available. Some images, mostly taken from the front, do not show buttons. We have never found any images with back buttoning tunics, but then again there are almost no portraits taken of the back. We have found images of what look like tunics that button in the front. We are not entirely sure how to classify these garments. Some look like heavy shirts. Perhaps readers will have some thoughts. We think that tunics are the best description even though they had button closures. Some mothers used the buttons as a stylistic element, using large buttons or buttons in contrasting color. Large buttons are perfect for todlers learning to dress themselves. But we see large tunic buttons for boys well beyond the toddler age group. The boy here in the 1850s is a good example (figure 1). Other mothers selcted outfits in which the buttons were downplayed, like the buttons here covered in cloth matching the tunic material like the boy on the previous page.


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Created: 7:14 PM 11/14/2018
Last edited: 7:14 PM 11/14/2018