Electronnaya Babooshka/Electronic Granny: Costuming

Figure 1.--Here is a scene from "Electronnaya Babooshka"/"Electronic Granny" in 1985. Many of the children wear tights, several with socks. A Russian reader tells us that this was not very common. We are not sure if this was a fkleeting fashion or the costume director thought it would give the fil a little funky humor. It seems to be that Punky Brewster in America was popularizing funky clothes at about this time.

The children in this film wear casual clothing, some of which was similar to clothing style throughout Europe. We see a girl wearing asweater. We do not fully understand the costuming of Soviet children's films shot in contemporary times. These films were relatively low budget affairs. We think that often the children involved were given some guidelines and wore their own clothes rather than being costumed. We are not sure about this film as the costuming as a little unusual with sevral children wearing tights. Some of the boys wore short pants, tights, and socks. This does not seem to have been very common, especially wearing tights with socks. A Russian reader tells us, "I have seen such a fashion except in wet chilly summer weather. Two times I saw this in the north of Russia--Karelia near the Finnish border." The girl wearing the sweaer weas tights without pants or skirts.


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Created: 1:28 AM 2/24/2010
Last updated: 1:28 AM 2/24/2010