Electronnaya Babooshka/Electronic Granny: Plot

Figure 1.--Here is a scene from "Electronnaya Babooshka"/"Electronic Granny" in 1985. Many of the children wear tights, several with socks.

The plot of "Electric Granny" is simple and rather close to Bradbury's novel. The girl Agata is badly ill and nobody knows how to cure her. No doctor can help. Friends of Agata learn, that she is ill, because all children have Grannies but Agata does not. They go to the shop "Electronic Granny" and beg the dealer to sell them one Electronic Granny. They say that they have no money but they will cut grass on lawns and will repay him the loan. He agreed - and they select a beautiful and young Electrnic Granny for Agata. The dealer warns them, that her electronic circuits are very sensitive - and this Granny will only work if loved. Agata get healthy and plays with her new Granny and other friends. Granny can invite new games and even fly with all children to the Moon. But later due to the jealousy and bad heabits children forget that they must love Granny, they begin to treat her just as a robot that "must do what they ask". As a result Granny dies. To resurect her Agata and friends must get off their ambitions, rudeness, jealousy and again become loving, cheerful and kind.


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Created: 4:05 AM 2/24/2010
Last updated: 4:06 AM 2/24/2010